by sentierschelseatrails | Jan 5, 2019 | Members & Volunteers
Get your friends and family out to enjoy the Chelsea Winter Community trail. If you want to join the challenge, just register at one of the access points. No matter how far you go or whether you’re travelling on skis, your feet, snow shoes or fat bikes, everyone with a card is eligible to enter the draw and win prizes from our sponsors Greg Christie’s Ski & Cycleworks and the Nordik Spa-Nature. To get involved, just pick up a card when you arrive at the trail and get it stamped when you visit one or more access points. The trail is groomed for 20 kilometers or even 40 km if you’re keen and go back and forth. Transcollines, will offer regular shuttle buses between the four major access points. And there will be pop up snack stops along the trail where you can fuel up on treats and hot chocolate generously provided by Les Fougères and Une Boulangerie dans un village and Fair Trade Chelsea.
In addition to treats, you can warm up with a chili lunch Voie Verte Chelseawill be selling chili at the warm, cosy kitchen of Mill Road Community Space access point. and the Gatineau Valley Historic Society will display the interpretive panels trail history panels. (For more details on Winter Festival activities check
by sentierschelseatrails | Oct 1, 2018 | Members & Volunteers
On Sunday, October 21, show your love for active living and join the Grande marche Chelsea-La Pêche l a 5-km walk along the Gatineau River led by the mayors of Chelsea and La Pêche. Its all part of the Défi Pierre Lavoie taking place in at least 75 towns and cities across Quebec.
This leisurely community walk will start at the Farm Point Park (33 River Road) and will end at the Wakefield-La Pêche Centre (38 Wakefield Valley Road). There will be parking at the start and finish points, as well as a shuttle service between the two.This is not a race, but an opportunity to unite with others in the community to encourage young people and communities to get out and play sports and develop healthy and active life styles which is the Défi Pierre Lavoie’s mission. Hope to see you there!
Check the Chelsea website for updates and info:
by Sentiers Chelsea | Jul 1, 2018 | Activités

Bonnes nouvelles! Le travail de nivelage du Sentier communautaire de Chelsea a commencé entre Burnett et Welka. Ce travail fait suite au nivelage effectué entre la carrière Morrison et le chemin Burnett l’automne passé. Le passage de l’équipement a ramolli la surface et déterré des racines et des débris. Participez à l’entretien et à l’aménagement du sentier en ramassant les racines et les branches sur le sentier ce qui facilitera les travaux à venir. Au cours des prochaines semaines, Sentiers Chelsea travaillera avec le Comité sur le sentier communautaire et la municipalité pour rendre le sentier plus praticable en coupant les broussailles et les herbages.
by sentierschelseatrails | May 28, 2018 | Members & Volunteers
You are invited to join in the SCT hike on Saturday, June 2nd, during Chelsea Days. The hike will start at 10 am, at the Meredith Centre and will last approximtely 1.5 hour. Come discover the beauty of the fauna and flora of trails between the Meredith Centre and the Hydro Quebec lands close to the Gatineau River with famous Chelsea photographer Geoff Burbidge! Bring your friends and families. Don’t forget your insect repellent, your hat and comfortable shoes. For more information on Chelsea Days, visit the municipality’s website
by sentierschelseatrails | May 1, 2018 | Members & Volunteers
SCT held its annual general meeting on Monday, April 30 at the Mill Road Community Space. Some 30 people participated in the discussions and presentations. Michel Gravel, outgoing president, presented an overview of the various trail projects that SCT worked on in the last year. To find out more, please see the presentation .
SCT gave a cheque of $8,000 to Mayor Caryl Green to help cover the costs of grooming the Chelsea Winter Trail.
The SCT Board also thanked Suzanne Cayer for her donation of $1,119 that she raised during her 800 km walk. The Board also thanked Michel Gravel, who retired from the Board, for his dedication to SCT over the nine years of his presidency.
by sentierschelseatrails | Mar 7, 2018 | Members & Volunteers

On March 17, 2018, Chelsea residents will have a chance to be part of the design process for the community trail along the railway corridor. The Municipality has hired consultants to hold a design charrette for all residents on Saturday, March 17th as well as a pre-charrette meeting for residents living adjacent to the trail on March 14th.
SCT has been closely involved in the transformation of this corridor since the beginning. In 2015, SCT presented a vision document to the Municipal council and staff to propose a feasibility study. Since that time, a lot of research and community consultations have occurred allowing us to refine our original vision. Here is our revised, fleshed out Trail Vision 2.0 prepared by the SCT board as a contribution to the upcoming design process.
We hope this document will get people thinking and help stimulate the community conversation to trail to assist in the design process. Hope to see you all on the 17th
by sentierschelseatrails | Feb 27, 2018 | Members & Volunteers
By John Crook
Despite the inclement rain, freezing rain and icy conditions, on Sunday, February 25, 2018 the Rails to Trails corridor along the Gatineau River was the setting for about 60 stoic cross country skiers, including all ages of participants from the Chelsea Nordiq Ski Club. They were joined by dog walkers, hikers taking a slightly perverse pleasure in walking in the unseasonal winter rain, along with a handful of fat bikers. It just goes to show how Chelseaites and their friends can be bonded (sometimes by freezing rain) to the wonderful Chelsea Community Trail along the Gatineau, regardless of the weather.
This was the fourth annual celebration along the Community winter Trail. The hardy souls participating were served delicious treats, butter tarts, and Camino Camino free trade hot chocolate, by devoted Sentiers Chelsea Trails volunteers at four refreshment and activity stations. The Transcollines bus, which navigated the icy roads to shuttle participants back and forth along the trail, was a lifesaver.
These events would not be possible without the generous support of our corporate trail leaders: Gazifère, Greg Christie’s Ski and Cycle, Le Pub Chelsea, Le Nordik Spa Nature and Physiosport Chelsea; our groomers Robert Lafleur and Bob Walsh, and our community event partners: Les Fougères, Une Boulangerie dans un village and Markhauser Homes. And of course, the Municipality of Chelsea that incorporated the Ski Challenge event into its Winter Fun Day.
by sentierschelseatrails | Feb 23, 2018 | Members & Volunteers
Take on the Chelsea Winter Trail Ski Challenge this weekend at the 4th Winter Trail celebration,Sunday February 25. The trail is 2 kilometers longer this year so you can ski the full 20 km or even 40 km if you’re keen. Transcollines will offer shuttle buses between the four major access points. To get involved, just pick up a card when you arrive at the trail and get it stamped when you visit one or more access points where you can snack on the trail-side treats provided by Les Fougères and Une Boulangerie dans un village, and enjoy Cocoa Camino hot chocolate provided by Fair Trade Chelsea.
No matter how far you go or whether you’re travelling on skis, your feet, snow shoes or fat bikes, everyone with a card is eligible to enter the draw and win prizes from our sponsors Le Pub Chelsea, Greg Christie’s and Nordik Spa-Nature. (For more details on other Winter Festival activities check

by sentierschelseatrails | Feb 20, 2018 | Members & Volunteers
35 to 40 mm of rain is expected today and tomorrow Wednesday.
In addition, the trail base is icy.
The presence of skiers/walkers on the Trail during these two days will make it harder for the maintenance team to get the Trail back on track once the cold weather returns on Thursday.
If they use the Pathway during this thaw and rain, users will have two main impacts:
- Increased use (snow compaction) will create more ice;
- Footprints will leave an uneven surface will become difficult for the maintenance team to work on.
Since it is important to facilitate drainage of the Trail, we rely on your cooperation to stay away from the Trail for these two days. The objective is to preserve the integrity of the Trail and to encourage the continuation of the season.
Following the Trail condition assessment by the maintenance team on Thursday, we will send you an update this Friday.
Thank you for your cooperation.
by sentierschelseatrails | Feb 14, 2018 | Members & Volunteers

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