par sentierschelseatrails | Jan 22, 2019 | Non classé
Over the last few years The Chelsea Ski Challenge along the old rail right of way has experienced sunny skies with icy trails, and freezing rain with slippery roads. This year dished out sub-tropical temperatures in the -25C range, wind, and ideal snow conditions on well set ski tracks. Nevertheless, even after Montreal closed its winter celebrations because of predicted inclement weather, Chelseaites proved, yet again that they are made of sterner stuff. They ventured out in spite of weather warnings to more timid souls elsewhere.
Sunday, January 20 from 10 am to 4 pm was the time for the 2019 Chelsea Ski Challenge under the banner of the Municipality’s “Winter Fun Days.” This year, many locals took up the Challenge on the winter community trail. (suite…)
par sentierschelseatrails | Juil 1, 2018 | Non classé
Good News! Work started last week on the leveling of the Chelsea Community Trail between Burnett and Welka. This follows from the leveling work that was done between Morrison Quarry and Burnett last fall. The passage of a bulldozer has loosened the surface and pulled up many roots and debris. Make a contribution to the grooming of the trail. If you are walking the trail clear it of any loose roots, debris or branches. Chelsea Trails is working with the Community Trails Committee and Voie Verte Chelsea to try and have the surface improved and brush and the grass cut over the next weeks.
par sentierschelseatrails | Oct 17, 2017 | Non classé
Sentiers Chelsea Trails (SCT) is a not-for-profit organization registered as a charity with CRA. It was created by Chelsea residents to protect and improve the network of non-motorized trails linking neighbourhoods and offering residents an attractive and safe means to travel and enjoy nature. Since the last municipal elections, SCT has seen both its level of activities and community support grow. For that reason, SCT is asking candidates for the municipal elections to complete the following questionnaire (suite…)
par sentierschelseatrails | Juil 14, 2017 | Non classé
La vision de Sentiers Chelsea est bien vivante dans le secteur délimité par le chemin Scott, la Route 105 et le chemin Old-Chelsea. On retrouve dans ce triangle deux écoles primaires, le Centre Meredith, plusieurs maisons unifamiliales et des espaces verts municipaux. Toutefois, présentement il est impossible pour un enfant qui habite à 500 m de son école de s’y rendre à pied ou à vélo. C’est d’autant plus difficile si l’entrée de la maison donne sur la Route 105. De plus, les enfants ne peuvent pas emprunter la 105 en vélo car la vitesse de croisière sur cette route est de 70 km/h.
Marc Desjardins, le champion de ce secteur, espère bien changer cette situation. Depuis quelques années, Marc travaille avec la municipalité et les propriétaires du coin pour créer un réseau de sentiers qui connecteront les rues du voisinage et des points de service sur les chemins Scott et Old-Chelsea. Nous avons fait état des travaux d’aménagement de sentiers derrière Remorquage Ben. Il y a également trois autres sentiers dans ce secteur qui sont en train d’être aménagés ou en planification. La plupart des sentiers empruntent des corridors municipaux; par contre, d’autres sont aménagés grâce à la collaboration des propriétaires de terrain. Marc a frappé à plusieurs portes et organisé plusieurs rencontres pour faire connaître le projet et obtenir le soutien des propriétaires. Il a tenu compte des suggestions des propriétaires dans la conception de certains segments des sentiers.
Comme toujours, ces réalisations ne seraient pas possibles sans le dévouement de nombreux bénévoles et la collaboration de la municipalité. Leilak Anderson, arboriste certifiée est une bénévole importante qui a donné et livré gratuitement du paillis pour les sentiers. 
par sentierschelseatrails | Juil 14, 2017 | Members & Volunteers, Trail Projects, Work Bees
The trail building in the area encircled by Old Chelsea, the 105, and Scott is a good example of the spirit and vision of Chelsea Trails. This ‘triangle’ contains two elementary school, the Meredith Centre, and many homes and municipal green spaces. But right now, in many cases, a child living 500 metres from their school can’t walk or bike there. This is particularly true if the only entrance to a home or street is off of the 105, on which children are not allowed to ride their bikes (since the speed limit for cars is 70km/hr).
Marc Desjardins, the SCT Sector Champion for this area, hopes to change all that. For the past several years, Marc has been working with the municipality and local landowners to create a system of footpaths that can link streets in this area to each other and to access points on Scott and Old Chelsea. Work this summer will be done behind Ben’s Towing but there are also three other paths in this area that have either been restored or are in the planning stages. Much of these trails follow municipal corridors, but some portions are only possible thanks to the collaboration of local landowners. Marc has knocked on many doors and held open meetings to garner support, and has taken the wishes of local landowners into account when designing certain portions.
As always, these improvements would only be possible with many hours of volunteer effort, in collaboration with the municipality. One important volunteer has been Leilak Anderson, a certified arborist, who has kindly donated and delivered extra mulch for the trails.

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