by sentierschelseatrails | Mar 4, 2017 | Members & Volunteers, Trail Events
To all the volunteers, sponsors and partners,
To the more than dozen volunteers who spent many hours outside yesterday preparing the access points and welcoming skiers and walkers, many thanks for your assistance.
To all our generous sponsors and partners, we greatly appreciate your generosity and your support for this community event. (more…)
by sentierschelseatrails | Mar 2, 2017 | Trail Events, Trail Projects
Since 2009 Sentiers Chelsea Trails (SCT) has partnered with the municipality of Chelsea to pro
vide a multi-purpose groomed snow surface along the currently unused railway tracks.
In 2014, SCT initiated a partnership with the Gatineau Valley Historical Society (GVHS) to develop and install interpretive panels along this trail, featuring scenes from Chelsea’s past. (more…)
by sentierschelseatrails | Nov 14, 2016 | Trail Events, Work Bees
More than 33 volunteers in six teams worked along 18 kilometers of the Chelsea railway corridor on Saturday to prepare the winter community trail for skiing and other outdoor recreation activities.

by sentierschelseatrails | May 23, 2016 | Trail Events
Come join Chelsea Trails on their Annual Hike through the Centre Village, Hendick Farm and along Chelsea Creek. Meet at Visitors Centre at 10 am, Sunday June 5.
by sentierschelseatrails | May 3, 2016 | Trail Events

In case you missed it, here’s Karl Saidla’s presentation : Walking, cycling, and taking the bus: smart choices for Chelsea. Can we make them EASY choices?
Karl lives on Dunn Road in Chelsea with his his wife Megan McTavish and two-year old daughter Leena and they enjoy walking, cycling, and riding the bus whenever it is possible. (more…)
by sentierschelseatrails | Apr 8, 2016 | Trail Events
Dear SCT members and friends,
You are invited to attend Sentiers Chelsea Trails’s annual general meeting on Monday, April 25th, 2016, at 7:00 p.m., at the Mill Road Community Space, 8 Mill Road, Chelsea.
As well as the business meeting, there will be a presentation on SCT’s activities of the past year and a presentation by Karl Saidla, Chelsea resident and active transport expert on active transport choices for Chelsea.
Board vacancy: There is one vacancy on the SCT board of directors coming up and we invite you to consider submitting your candidacy. If you are interested in joining the board, please send a brief note outlining why you would like to serve on the board, your expertise and experience by April 10th, 2016 to Roberta Walker at [email protected].
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