Vision for turning Chelsea’s rails into a community trail.
Building on the success of the Community Winter Trail, we believe there would be enormous benefits to Chelsea residents to make a four-season community trail running the length of the community along the railway corridor. This community trail , following the shore of the Gatineau River could be used for walking (with or without your dog), jogging, low speed cycling, skiing, snowshoeing, and other non-motorized activities. It would provide an off-road connection linking neighbourhoods such as Mile Hill, Chelsea village, Tenaga, Gleneagle, Kirk’s Ferry, Burnett, Cascades, Farm Point and Morrison’s Quarry, and providing access to recreational facilities such as the Cascades Club, the Larrimac Golf Club, the Gatineau River Yacht Club, the Farm Point Community Centre and sports field and the future Chelsea senior’s residence in Farm Point.
Letter from Public Health Outaouais in support of the Chelsea Community Trail
SCT Linear Park Vision Mar 2015
Trail Feasibility Study report from the Ad Hoc committee- April 28, 2016
Shoreline trails promote river protection Valley Voices 2016
Vision for an active healthy community connected by trails / Valley Voices – 2013
Chelsea-sur-mer / Valley Voices – 2014.